80s toys - Atari. I still have

"Special someone i cant replace, i love u always will..

"Few millions flowers in the world. All flowers are is not beautiful. For my eyes you only beautiful..

"A memory lasts forever, never does it die, true lovers stay together and never said goodbye, do not say goodbye to me my sweetheart..

"Tell me if you love me, tell me if its true, let me be yours forever love for ever..

"If you life to be 100 years. I want to live to be 100 years, minus one day, so i never have to live without you, i cant live with out you..

"Do you love me becouse i am beautiful, or i am beautiful becouse you love me..

"Flowers will die, sun will set, ur a friend i'll never forget, ur name is so precious and wont grow old, and is engraved in my heart is letter of gold..

"Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go it's one of the best in the world..

"In the game of love, there will be good times, and there be good times. And the will be bad times, both are inevitable..

"All you need is love give me to chance to love U my sweet heart..

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love..

"The greates science in the world: in heaven and on eart : is love

"Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less good for U, love more and all good things will be yours..

"We are, each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another. You want to become angel? Come i wil5 give my wing love U, so much..

"Where there is great love there are always miracles, so come and join with me..

"True love never lives happily ever after, true love has no ending..

"Today where we can meet? I want to give my love heart to you, becoz i love u..

"Love the heart that hurts you, but never hurt the heart that loves you. Please don't hurt my heart..

"Dear cute.. Love is the best medicine, and there is more than enough to go around once you open your heart.. Open your heart for me with love..

"Open the window and se the moon light i know u feel sleepy, good bye and good night..

"Looking at the stars so bright you are always on my mind, looking at the moon i feel so blue, i'll hardly stand the night without U..

"The sun set softly, another night have come you breath so calmly, slowly, your face exides charm..

"I realized it today i will love you forever, even if you love me never i love you i really now, because it's so hard to let go..

"There are two things in the world which make me wake up: the alarm, clock and your name..

"I wish to wake up everyday and see you're with me, you're near.. But it's just a dream.. I just only can say.. Good morning my dear..

"It was a day when i saw no chance of being happy but when you came into my life my heart is shining again.

"A new day hay begun but i already miss U, you are my little sun, you are my charming princess.

"Do You believe in love, lasting forever? Do you believe in us, always together? Tell me.. Tell me please.. Look into my eyes.. Do you believe, do you see, i'm not like other guys

"You are my angel that i'll never be able to live without you are the only girl i can think about..

Baby girl i'm so happy that you stayed with me, you promised to love me forever and that's all i need..

"The day i met U, you took my breath away, i might not get to heaven, but that's ok. Coz i walked with one of his angels that day..

"My darling, look at the sky..
Do you see the stars shining?
Listen.. Each of them is whispering how i do love you!